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aws ubuntu server安装vnc

less than 1 minute read

ec2上 sudo su apt install xfce4 apt install tightvncserver shutdown -r now #(不确定需不需要重启) 重连后用ubuntu身份就行 vncserver :1 #(生成默认配置) vncserver -kill :1 vim ~/.vnc/xs...

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4 minute read

项目需要界面选择了leptos,对web ui整体认知不足,一直踩坑,理下思路。


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ethereum whitepaper - 笔记

3 minute read

Name Origin Aetherium/Volucite (Crystal necklace from Laputa: Castle in the Sky) ether Vitalik Buterin was inspired by a medieval scientific ...

mastering bitcoin - 笔记

4 minute read

ch02 How Bitcoin Works Alice to Bob’s rawtx(P2PKH) 0100000001186f9f998a5aa6f048e51dd8419a14d8a0f1a8a2836dd734d2804fe65fa35779000000008b483045022100884d142d86...

postgresql explain

5 minute read

explain基本结构 树状节点,第一行和以->开头的行是一个节点,每个node代表一个operation,node下的几行文字是这个节点/操作的额外说明(比如Seq Scan的FILTER)。上层的节点需要下层节点的输出,下层节点执行完了下层节点才能执行。 数字含义:(cost=1.14..10...

how to get rid of acne by chatgpt

less than 1 minute read

Acne can be a frustrating skin condition, but there are several steps you can take to help reduce its appearance:

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workspace, package, crate, module in rust

less than 1 minute read

Module Privacy mod outer { mod a { pub mod aa { } } fn b(){} } a是b的sibling,b可以使用a中的pub item(functions, methods, structs, enums, modules, and constant...

python packaging

less than 1 minute read

pip19开始支持pep517,pipenv最新版也支持。可以用pipenv安装poetry项目(。pep517未明确editable install, 不能用-e参数;poetry自身支持

ch64: alternative io models

less than 1 minute read

non-blocking io是基础,下边的几种模型,内部都是用nio进行的读写 nio就是 “return error” instead of “blocking”

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