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World State

symbol meaning
$\sigma$ world state
$\sigma [a]$ account state
$\sigma [a]_n$ nounce
$\sigma [a]_b$ balance(Wei)
$\sigma [a]_s$ storageRoot
$\sigma [a]_c$ codeHash
\[\forall a : \sigma [a] = \varnothing \vee (a \in \mathbb{B}_{20} \wedge v(\sigma[a]))\] \[v(x) \equiv x_n \in \mathbb{N}_{256} \wedge x_b \in \mathbb{N}_{256} \wedge x_s \in \mathbb{B}_{32} \wedge x_c \in \mathbb{B}_{32}\] \[EMPTY(\sigma, a) \equiv \sigma[a]_c=KEC\big(()\big) \wedge \sigma[a]_n=0 \wedge \sigma[a]_b=0\] \[DEAD(\sigma, a) \equiv \sigma[a]=\varnothing \vee EMPTY(\sigma, a)\]


symbol meaning
$T_x$ type
$T_p$ gasPrice
$T_g$ gasLimit
$T_t$ to
$T_v$ value(Wei)
$T_r$, $T_s$ signature (r, s)
$T_A$ (type 1) accessList
$T_c$ (type 1) chainId $\beta$
$T_y$ (type 1) yParity
$T_w$ (type 0 legacy) $T_w=27+T_y$ or $T_w=2\beta+35+T_y$
$T_i$ ($T_t=\varnothing$) init (contract creation)
$T_d$ ($T_t\ne\varnothing$) data (message call)


symbol meaning
B block
$B_H$ block header
$B_T$ transaction list
$B_U$ ommer block headers
\[B \equiv (B_H, B_T, B_U)\]
block header field meaning
$H_p$ parentHash
$H_o$ ommersHash
$H_c$ beneficiary
$H_r$ stateRoot
$H_t$ transactionsRoot
$H_e$ receiptsRoot
$H_b$ logsBloom
$H_d$ difficulty
$H_i$ number
$H_l$ gasLimit
$H_g$ gasUsed
$H_s$ timestamp
$H_x$ extraData
$H_m$ mixHash
$H_n$ nonce

Transaction Receipt

symbol meaning
$B_R$ transaction receipt trie of the block, $B_R[i]$ for the $i$ th transaction
R transaction receipt
$R_x$ type of the transaction
$R_z$ status code of the transaction
$R_u$ the cumulative gas used in the block containing the transaction receipt as of immediately after the transaction has happened
$R_l$ the set of logs created through execution of the transaction
$R_b$ the Bloom filter composed from information in those logs
\[R \equiv (R_x, R_z, R_u, R_b, R_l)\]
log entry field meaning
O log entry
$O_a$ logger’s address
$O_t$ a possibly empty series of 32-byte log topics
$O_d$ log data
\[O \equiv (O_a, (O_{t0}, O_{t1}, ...), O_d)\]

